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A Windfall in Health Insurance Rebates? It鈥檚 Not as Crazy as It Sounds
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A Windfall in Health Insurance Rebates? It鈥檚 Not as Crazy as It Sounds

“Americans will get $1.1 B in rebates from health insurance companies this year cuz of a provision I wrote in the ACA.鈥

Former Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), in a tweet on May 17, 2023

Former Democratic Sen. Al Franken tweeted recently that Americans will receive 鈥$1.1 B in rebates from health insurance companies this year鈥 because of a provision he wrote into the Affordable Care Act.

The tweet , including some from people who said they had never seen such a check from their insurers. That got us wondering: Is Franken鈥檚 tweet correct and, if so, how exactly do these rebates work?

We reached out to Franken鈥檚 press team to ask about the source of his data but received no reply.

Nonetheless, we found lots of information on the topic. As with everything else related to health insurance, it鈥檚 complicated.

Bottom line, though: There are rebates, probably along the lines of $1.1 billion for this year. But the chance that any given consumer will see one is fairly small.

First, the Background

Franken was a senator from Minnesota during the drafting of the Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law in 2010 by then-President Barack Obama. That measure, also known as Obamacare, included a provision related to rebates. And, yes, Franken did get it , said health insurance expert Louise Norris.

It鈥檚 known as the , or MLR, and though it sounds wonky, it鈥檚 pretty straightforward. The MLR refers to how much insurers spend on medical care for their enrollees versus other administrative costs. The ACA provision aims to curb the amount of premium dollars that insurers use for administrative costs, which can include marketing, profits, and executive salaries and bonuses.

鈥淲e now have the numbers where we can see how much they spent, how much they took in, and how much must be rebated,鈥 said Norris, a health policy analyst for healthinsurance.org. 鈥淚t holds these companies accountable.鈥

How Does It Work?

The MLR is calculated not based on what any individual patient spends on premiums or other medical care costs during the year. Instead, the standard insurers must meet is to spend at least 80% of their premium dollars, in some instances more, on 鈥渢he collective you: all the people in the plan,鈥 said Cynthia Cox, a 蘑菇影院 vice president, who directs 蘑菇影院鈥檚 Program on the ACA.

So insurers add up all the premium dollars they bring in across a state for each type of plan they offer, such as those sold to individuals, those that cover small businesses, and those that cover large employers.

Then they add up all the claims costs for medical care for all the customers enrolled in those plans. For policies offered to individuals or small groups, the insurer must have paid out at least 80% of premiums on direct medical care or quality improvements. Large employer plans must spend 85% on medical care. An added nuance: The totals are aggregated over the previous three years.

Consumers 鈥渋ndividually might have spent a lot of money on premiums last year and used no health care,鈥 Cox said. But that鈥檚 not what the MLR is attempting to gauge. It examines whether plans 鈥渙ffer a good value for all those people who are enrolled.鈥

If those targets are not met, rebates kick in.

There are many reasons insurers might miss the target.

One is that, because they set premiums well in advance of the actual plan year, insurers can guess wrong, either over- or underestimating demand or costs for care. For example, insurers set their 2020 premiums during summer 2019, when no one knew the covid-19 pandemic would strike months later. Then, instead of increasing medical costs, the pandemic actually led many enrollees to avoid seeing the doctor or going to the hospital. So that year鈥檚 premiums were wildly out of line with spending. The largest volume of rebates in the ACA鈥檚 history, $2.5 billion, was , according to a 蘑菇影院 report.

This year, an estimated $1.1 billion will be paid, about in line with the previous year鈥檚 rebates, the same report said.

Still, the estimate is preliminary, and not all insurers have weighed in with their data. Notices about rebates are expected later this year.

Most enrollees won鈥檛 get a rebate check because most insurance plans fall within the limits set by the law, Norris said.

The ACA鈥檚 first rebate checks were issued in 2012, when about $1.1 billion was distributed. That annual total dropped for a few years as insurers got better at estimating costs and setting premiums, but it has varied, with big spikes during the pandemic.

Overall, nearly $11 billion has been rebated since 2012, Norris said.

There Are Caveats

Anyone who gets health coverage through their job is unlikely to see a direct rebate. Notably, self-insured employers, which pay their medical costs directly and include the vast majority of large employers, are not subject to the MLR.

If you work for an employer that buys coverage from an insurer and is owed a rebate, you still might not get a cash payment. Instead, employers can use the rebate to boost benefits or offset employees鈥 share of the cost of health coverage. Either way, the rebates are divided between the workers and the employer. The employer tends to pay the larger portion of the premium costs, in which case it receives the larger check.

In the individual ACA market, consumers owed money could either get a check or get the rebate in the form of a premium credit, according to 蘑菇影院.

Last year, about 6.2 million consumers nationally, 2.4 million in individual plans and the rest in a group or employer plan, , according to Norris鈥 analysis of government data. While that鈥檚 a sizable number of people, it鈥檚 still a small percentage of the more than 170 million who have job-based or ACA coverage.

The average amount nationally was $167, with the largest being in South Dakota, whose rebate recipients received an average of $603, she wrote. Rebates weren鈥檛 warranted in five states: Alaska, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

So, was Franken accurate when he tweeted that Americans would receive this billion-dollar windfall? And will these rebates really reach everyone, or just a select few?

Norris said many insurers approached those spending limits even before the ACA but that the law better defines the parameters, reins in spending on nonmedical costs, and allows for rebates. Overall, that can benefit 鈥渁nyone in a commercial health plan, regardless of whether they are getting a check or not,鈥 she said.

She pointed to the pandemic and how it dampened demand for medical care well after insurers set their premiums. 鈥淚f we didn鈥檛 have the MLR rules, there would have been nothing to prevent carriers from keeping those excess profits,鈥 Norris said.

Still, the estimated $1.1 billion in rebates expected this year doesn鈥檛 necessarily mean those required to issue them are 鈥渙utrageously profitable right now, because it鈥檚 a three-year average, which still includes early pandemic years, when insurers were profitable but only because people were using less health care than anyone would have guessed,鈥 Cox said.

Our Ruling

Franken was largely correct in characterizing the insurance rebate provision and his role in getting it into law. There will be rebates sent out this year, but the $1.1 billion is still technically an estimate of the amount and could change based on final insurer data.

But his tweet was off the mark in implying that Americans broadly would see direct rebates. While the number of Americans who get a rebate this year may be similar to last year鈥檚 6 million, that鈥檚 a single-digit percentage of the total number of people with insurance. Still, Americans are likely to benefit in some form this year 鈥 such as through richer benefit packages or reduced cost sharing. But very few will get an actual check in the mail.

We rate this Mostly True.


Phone interview with , a 蘑菇影院 vice president and director of 蘑菇影院鈥檚 Program on the ACA, May 22, 2023

Phone interview with , a health policy analyst for healthinsurance.org, May 23, 2023

, accessed May 22, 2023

MinnPost, 鈥,鈥 July 31, 2012

蘑菇影院, 鈥,鈥 May 17, 2023

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 鈥,鈥 accessed May 22, 2023

Healthinsurance.org, 鈥,鈥 May 23, 2023