Cara Anthony

To Combat Gun Violence, This Artist Turns Ammunition Into Art

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

In a city plagued by gun violence, Mykael Ash is turning ammunition into art. Ash, who lives in East St. Louis, Illinois, frequently walks through parts of the city where bullet shells aren鈥檛 hard to find. The shell casings represent a cycle of inequality, Ash says, and the art he makes with it serves as a call to action.

Race Is Often Used as Medical Shorthand for How Bodies Work. Some Doctors Want to Change That.

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Physicians have long believed it鈥檚 good medicine to consider race in health care. But recently, rather than perpetuate the myth that race governs how bodies function, a more nuanced approach has emerged: acknowledging that racial health disparities often reflect the effects of generations of systemic racism, such as lack of access to stable housing or nutritious food.

In Rural America, Twisting Arms to Take a Covid Vaccine First Takes Trust

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

In communities across the country, the Cooperative Extension System, the same organization that supports 4-H clubs nationally, is tapping its roots in rural communities to promote vaccines. But its approach to getting people vaccinated in many communities, including Cairo, Illinois, must be nuanced.

Bye-Bye to Health Insurance 鈥楤irthday Rule鈥? Kansas Lawmaker Floats Fix

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids (D-Kansas) introduced a bill to do away with a health insurance rule that dictates which parent鈥檚 plan becomes a new baby鈥檚 primary insurer. This could save some parents from unexpected, sometimes massive medical bills. Davids took up the issue after a KHN/NPR Bill of the Month story on one family鈥檚 unexpected $207,455 NICU bill.

Kidney Experts Say It鈥檚 Time to Remove Race From Medical Algorithms. Doing So Is Complicated.

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

When estimating how well a patient鈥檚 kidneys are working, doctors frequently turn to an equation that depends on a question: Is the patient Black? Kidney experts are now debating how to remove the race adjustment and whether the question is a function of sound science. It鈥檚 considered just the first step in dismantling institutional racism in kidney care.

Black Hair Matters: How Going Natural Made Me Visible

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

How do we as Black people protect ourselves from racism? In our household, my decision to let my hair go natural forced my father and me to have a conversation about personal safety, the police and my desire to feel free. He viewed my permed hair and weave as a protective shield that increased my chances of making it home safely. But, in reality, my haircut 鈥 long or short 鈥 can鈥檛 protect me from racism.

Lost on the Frontline

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

鈥淟ost on the Frontline鈥 is an ongoing project by Kaiser Health News and The Guardian that aims to document the lives of health care workers in the U.S. who died from COVID 19, and to investigate why so many are victims of the disease.

Searching For Safety: Where Children Hide When Gunfire Is All Too Common

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

The overall crime rate has dropped during the pandemic, but unfortunately gun violence has not. In St. Louis, at least 11 children have been killed by gunfire so far this year. Living in neighborhoods with frequent violence has forced some families to improvise ways to keep their children safe, even in the place they are supposed to be most secure: their home. The stress of growing up in these conditions could lead to chronic health problems into adulthood.