Elizabeth Lucas

Millions Stuck At Home With No Plumbing, Kitchen Or Space To Stay Safe

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

In 470,000 American homes spread across every state, washing hands to prevent COVID-19 may not be as easy as turning on a faucet. They don’t have showers or toilets or, in some cases, even water piped into their homes. Nearly a million U.S. homes don’t have complete kitchens and millions more are overcrowded, making it much tougher for people to shelter in place and avoid infection.

How Well Does Your Nursing Home Fight Infections? Look It Up Here

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

More nursing homes have been faulted for failing to follow practices designed to prevent and control infections than for any other type of error. Such lapses have become matters of heightened concern with the spread of the coronavirus this spring, especially as the virus is a bigger threat to the elderly.

Opioid Operators: How Surgeons Ply Patients With Painkillers

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

Even as awareness of the opioid crisis grew, prescribing habits of surgeons changed very little from 2011 to 2016, found a data analysis by KHN and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Use this interactive tool to search by doctor or practicing hospital.