Rachel Bluth

Pacientes de California temen consecuencias de nueva propuesta electoral sobre cl铆nicas de di谩lisis

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

ELK GROVE, California – Toni Sherwin est谩 ansiosa por someterse al procedimiento que reubicar谩 su punto de di谩lisis de su pecho a su brazo, que ser谩 m谩s f谩cil de mantener seco. Desde que empez贸 la di谩lisis en febrero 鈥攃omo parte del tratamiento contra un c谩ncer de sangre鈥 se ha lavado el pelo en el fregadero […]

California Patients Fear Fallout From Third Dialysis Ballot Measure

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Californians are facing the third statewide dialysis initiative in five years. The dialysis industry is spending tens of millions of dollars to defeat Proposition 29 and is running ads saying the measure would force clinics to close 鈥 a message that appears to be resonating with patients.

Medi-Cal Will Cover Doulas at More Than Twice California鈥檚 Initial Proposed Rate

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Under a budget passed by California lawmakers, the state will pay nonmedical workers who assist in pregnancy and labor up to $1,154 per birth through Medi-Cal, which is up significantly from Gov. Gavin Newsom鈥檚 initial offer of $450. Though it鈥檚 more than what most other states pay, many doulas say it falls short of the $3,600 they sought.