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Asking Never Hurts

Good Rehab Is Hard To Find

Pattie Vargas stands with her son Joel, who died of heart complications after battling a longtime drug addiction. (Courtesy of Pattie Vargas)

Pattie Vargas saw with frightening clarity that her son Joel, 25 at the time, had a life-threatening drug problem. He came home one day in 2007 鈥渉igh as a kite,鈥 went to bed and slept four days straight, Vargas, now a 65-year-old resident of Vacaville, California, recalls.

As Joel lay listless, a terrified Vargas realized her son needed help, but she didn鈥檛 quite know where to start. She searched online and dialed the number of a treatment center she found.

The person who answered said reassuring things, walked her through the options, then sent a man to lead an intervention at the family鈥檚 home in Escondido, California. The intervention ended with Joel reluctantly climbing into the guy鈥檚 car and being whisked away to residential treatment in Laguna Beach, about 60 miles away.

Vargas was relieved to see her middle child head off to treatment 鈥 even though the 30-day program cost $39,000. Little did she suspect it was only the beginning of an ultimately fruitless cycle of rehab and relapse. Joel鈥檚 drug of choice back then was methamphetamine, but by the time he died of heart complications a decade later, he was hooked on heroin.

As Vargas later realized, there are better ways than the internet to find effective rehab. With the U.S. death rate from drug overdoses what it was 20 years ago and alcohol misuse among the , the need for effective addiction treatment is massive. But finding affordable and reliable care, despite a proliferation of rehab centers in recent years, can be nearly impossible.

鈥淭here are good providers out there. They are few and far between, and it鈥檚 really hard to tell the good from the bad,鈥 says Garrett Hade, co-founder of , an addiction recovery advocacy group.

The Affordable Care Act, by expanding insurance rolls and requiring insurers to on par with other medical conditions, has helped spawn explosive growth in America鈥檚 rehab industry. Unfortunately, that includes some operators of patients.

As competition has intensified, some rehab operators have resorted to wily and unscrupulous methods to draw clients. A common practice is to pay 鈥渂ody brokers鈥 thousands of dollars to troll social media and sobriety meetings for insured people who need treatment.

Some facilities fraudulently sign people up for insurance, fly them to treatment centers across the country and bill tens of thousands of dollars for multiple urine tests and other services of dubious necessity. Some operators have even between stints in rehab to recycle them back into the program.

Sue Harris, a San Diego resident, sent her son Jameson to a rehab center in West Palm Beach, Florida, on the recommendation of a 鈥渢reatment coordinator.鈥 It was the worst decision, she says. Jameson called from Florida and told her, 鈥溾業鈥檓 going to die here, Mom. There are drugs everywhere,鈥欌 Harris, 59, recalls. He was right: He died shortly afterward from an overdose of fentanyl-laced heroin.

A less shady practice by treatment facilities is to invest in strategies to push their names to the top of internet search results. 鈥淪o you are not necessarily getting the best person. You are getting the ones who have paid money for search engine optimization,鈥 says David Skonezny, who runs a Facebook page called .

So, what鈥檚 a better option for finding a reputable rehab center? Try attending meetings of recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or . People who go to those meetings have experienced the same things you or your loved ones are going through and often share tips and advice. But beware of anybody hard-selling a specific program.

You can also call the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration鈥檚 24/7 , which provides information on addiction as well as referrals to treatment and support groups. A federal government website, , also offers referrals. If your child has a substance use disorder, the provides a wealth of information and support.

Once you have some promising leads, your real homework begins. You must vet them thoroughly 鈥 not only to confirm their integrity but to maximize the chance that you or your loved ones will get the personalized care needed.

To weed out bad players, search for complaints against facilities you are considering, if your state puts them online. Unfortunately, California does not 鈥 though you can see the ones with revoked or suspended licenses, as well as those operating without licenses, on the of the Department of Health Care Services.

At this point, Google actually comes in handy: Search the facility by name, paired with red-flag terms such as 鈥渇raud,鈥 鈥渋ndicted鈥 or 鈥渂ody broker.鈥

An alarm should sound if people running a treatment program ask about your insurance and finances right off the bat, says Cynthia Moreno Tuohy, executive director of Alexandria, Virginia-based . 鈥淚f I鈥檓 more concerned about the money and the insurance, don鈥檛 come to me,鈥 she says.

And don鈥檛 be dazzled by dollar signs. 鈥淛ust because it costs a lot of money, don鈥檛 think it鈥檚 great,鈥 says Vargas, whose daughter, Rebekah, also struggles with drugs.

It wasn鈥檛 until her son was years into his meanderings through rehab that Vargas discovered public treatment programs that don鈥檛 cost anything 鈥 though they are hard to get into. In California, they are run by the counties and mostly funded by Medi-Cal, the government-run insurance program for people with low incomes.

You can find a and contact numbers on the DHCS website under the 鈥渋ndividuals鈥 tab.

How do you know what kind of program is a good fit? An initial assessment is critical. Get it done by a doctor with a specialty in addiction rather than at a treatment center.

In California, you can find board-certified addiction-medicine doctors on the website. If you live elsewhere, go to the .

Ask any potential rehab program about the credentials not only of its physicians, but also the social workers, clinical psychologists and addiction counselors on staff. You can check the addiction-specific qualifications of rehab counselors and social workers by calling NAADAC (703-741-7686), or the organization that credentials them in your state. In California, check the website of the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals.

Another important question, recovery experts say, is whether a program endorses anti-addiction medications 鈥 it should 鈥 and is prepared to administer them in-house or through a competent outside party. Don鈥檛 let them evade that question.

And remember: Addiction is a lifelong battle. Relapses are common. There鈥檚 always hope, though for reasons difficult to ascertain, some people are better at recovery than others.

Harris says Jameson was not one of those people: 鈥淗e loved his family. He loved life. But he just could not stop himself.鈥

This story was produced by聽, which publishes聽, an editorially independent service of the聽.

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