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KHN on the Air This Week

KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here鈥檚 a collection of their appearances.

KHN chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner discussed the current surge in COVID-19 cases, health policy in the election and the Affordable Care Act case before the Supreme Court with NPR’s “All Things Considered” on Sunday and WBUR’s “On Point.”

Columnist and California Healthline senior correspondent Bernard Wolfson discussed the possible impact of Judge Amy Coney Barrett and the Supreme Court on the ACA with KPCC’s “Take Two” on Tuesday.

California Healthline correspondent Rachel Bluth discussed California鈥檚 Proposition 14 about stem cell research funding and Proposition 22 about classifying drivers for ride-share and delivry apps as independent contracts with KIQI 1010 AM鈥檚 鈥淗echo en California鈥 on Friday.

California Healthline correspondent Angela Hart discussed California鈥檚 Proposition 15 鈥 the commercial property tax ballot measure 鈥 and what it means for public health funding with KIQI 1010 AM鈥檚 鈥淗echo en California鈥 on Thursday.

California Healthline correspondent Samantha Young discussed California’s Proposition 23 鈥 the dialysis ballot measure 鈥 with KIQI 1010 AM’s “Hecho en California” on Thursday.

KHN senior Colorado correspondent Markian Hawryluk discussed how health care may shape the U.S. Senate race in Colorado with Colorado Public Radio’s “Colorado Matters” on Thursday.

KHN senior correspondent Sarah Jane Tribble discussed KHN鈥檚 鈥淲here It Hurts鈥 podcast and COVID-19 in rural America with NPR’s “Weekend Edition” on Oct. 17.

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