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Not Pandemic-Proof: Insulin Copay Caps Fall Short, Fueling Underground Exchanges

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Although sharing prescription medicines is illegal, many people with diabetes are turning to underground donation networks when they cannot afford their insulin. Caps on insulin copays enacted in Colorado and 11 other states were designed to help. But the gaps between insulin costs and many patients鈥 financial realities are only widening amid the economic crisis of the COVID pandemic.

The Health Care Promises We Cannot Keep

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Family caregivers pledge to fulfill their loved ones鈥 end-of-life wishes. But too often circumstances change, and they must break their word and guard against breaking hearts 鈥 including their own.

Moved Overseas For School, Stayed For Insulin

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Katie West, an American health researcher who has lived in Germany the past three years, hasn鈥檛 mastered the language and misses her family. But not having to worry about the cost of her lifesaving medication makes it OK.