Latest News On Homeless

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Unsheltered People Are Losing Medicaid in Redetermination Mix-Ups

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Some of the nearly 130,000 Montanans who have lost Medicaid coverage as the state reevaluates eligibility are homeless. That鈥檚 in part because Montana kicked more than 80,000 people off the program for technical reasons rather than income ineligibility. For unhoused people who were disenrolled, getting back on Medicaid can be extraordinarily difficult.

Social Security Chief Testifies in Senate About Plans to Stop 鈥楥lawback Cruelty鈥

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Commissioner Martin O鈥橫alley testifies to two Senate panels that his agency will stop the 鈥渋njustices鈥 of suspending people鈥檚 monthly benefits to recover alleged overpayments. The burden will be on the Social Security Administration to prove the beneficiary was to blame.

California Voters Are Skeptical That More Money Is the Answer to Homelessness

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom鈥檚 signature ballot measure to address mental illness, addiction, and homelessness with a $6.4 billion bond and other reforms, is barely ahead in the ongoing ballot count. The slim margin reflects a growing unease among Californians over the governor鈥檚 homelessness initiatives.

Newsom鈥檚 $6.4 Billion Homelessness Gambit Hangs by a Thread

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom鈥檚 ambitious attempt to combat the mental health and addiction epidemic in his state is leading by a razor-thin margin, calling into question whether voters trust him to confront the state鈥檚 growing homelessness crisis. Newsom asked voters on Tuesday to approve his $6.4 billion bond measure, dubbed 鈥淭reatment not Tents鈥 鈥 the […]

The Supreme Court Confronts a Public Health Challenge: Homeless Encampments

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Homelessness is a soaring public health crisis, with a record 653,000 unhoused people in the United States, according to federal estimates. Tent and recreational vehicle encampments have exploded in recent years, crowding streets and sidewalks from Portland, Ore., to New York. In California, where roughly a third of all the nation鈥檚 homeless people live, doctors […]

California Gov. Newsom Wants Voters to Approve Billions More to Help the Homeless. Will It Help?

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A March 5 ballot initiative seeks $6.4 billion to build thousands of new housing units and provide mental health treatment for homeless people 鈥 on top of the billions already being spent to address the public health crisis. Despite significant support from health and law enforcement officials, many front-line workers are skeptical that more money is the answer.

Is Housing Health Care? State Medicaid Programs Increasingly Say 鈥榊es鈥

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States are using their Medicaid programs to offer poor and sick people housing services, such as paying six months鈥 rent or helping hunt for apartments. The trend comes in response to a growing homelessness epidemic, but experts caution this may not be the best use of limited health care money.

In Los Angeles, Occupational Therapists Tapped to Help Homeless Stay Housed

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Los Angeles County is deploying a small team of occupational therapists to help newly housed individuals adjust to life indoors. Therapists are trained to recognize disabilities and help with basic living skills, such as hygiene and cleanliness, that can help prevent clients from getting evicted or slipping back onto the streets.

Desantis, Newsom to Tangle Over Hot-Button Health Issues

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Florida鈥檚 Republican presidential hopeful, Ron DeSantis,and Democratic firebrand Gavin Newsom of California square off today in a contest of governors that can best be described as the debate to determine 驴qui茅n es m谩s macho? 鈥 who is more manly 鈥 about protecting your freedoms.  Both men have led their respective states since 2019, and they鈥檝e […]

Health Care Is Front and Center as DeSantis and Newsom Go Mano a Mano

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Florida鈥檚 Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and California鈥檚 Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom will square off in a first-of-its-kind debate on Nov. 30. 蘑菇影院 Health News compared the political rivals鈥 health care positions, showing how their policies have helped 鈥 or hindered 鈥 the health of their states鈥 residents.

Street Medicine Practitioners Are Getting Paid. Now They Want Higher Rates.

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Street medicine, the practice of caring for homeless people outdoors, is a burgeoning field 鈥 an unfortunate reality as America confronts a growing homelessness epidemic. But it鈥檚 at least become a little more rewarding after the Biden administration made an under-the-radar yet revolutionary change to Medicaid. Starting this month, doctors, nurses and other providers can bill […]