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Latest 蘑菇影院 Health News Stories

Toxic Gas Adds to a Long History of Pollution in Southwest Memphis

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

People across the nation claim cancer-causing emissions from local sterilizing plants are making them sick. It鈥檚 an example of environmental racism, say residents of one predominantly Black area in southwest Memphis, Tennessee, where life expectancy is much shorter than county and state averages.

ACA Plans Are Being Switched Without Enrollees鈥 OK

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Insurance agents say it鈥檚 too easy to access consumer information on the Affordable Care Act federal marketplace. Policyholders can lose their doctors and access to prescriptions. Some end up owing back taxes.

Bathroom Bills Are Back 鈥 Broader and Stricter 鈥 In Several States

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

State lawmakers are resurrecting and expanding efforts to prohibit transgender people from using public restrooms and other spaces that match their gender. Some have sought to ban trans people from 鈥渟ex-designated spaces,鈥 including domestic violence shelters and crisis centers, which experts say could violate anti-discrimination laws and jeopardize federal funding.

States Target Health Insurers鈥 鈥楶rior Authorization鈥 Red Tape

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Doctors, patients, and hospitals have railed for years about the prior authorization processes that health insurers use to decide whether they鈥檒l pay for patients鈥 drugs or medical procedures. The Biden administration announced a crackdown in January, but some state lawmakers are looking to go further.

As Covid Infections Rise, Nursing Homes Are Still Waiting for Vaccines

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

鈥淧eople want covid-19 to be in the rearview mirror,鈥 one nursing home official says. Faced with a slow rollout of the updated covid vaccines, and without state mandates for workers to get vaccinated, most skilled nursing facilities are relying on persuasion to boost vaccination rates among staff and residents.

Funyuns and Flu Shots? Gas Station Company Ventures Into Urgent Care

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

A Tulsa-based gas station chain is using its knowledge of how to serve customers and locate shops in easy-to-find spots to enter the urgent care industry, which has doubled in size over the past decade. Experts question how the explosion of convenient clinics will affect care costs and wait times.