Latest News On South Carolina

Latest 蘑菇影院 Health News Stories

The South Can Be a Dangerous Place To Be Black and Pregnant

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

In much of the developed world, dying while pregnant or delivering a child is practically unknown. In Australia, for example, there were just 3 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2021. But that鈥檚 not the case in the American South. And especially not for Black women. In South Carolina, Black women were more […]

An NIH Genetics Study Targets a Long-Standing Challenge: Diversity

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

In his 2015 State of the Union address, President Barack Obama announced a precision medicine initiative that would later be known as the All of Us program. The research, now well underway at the National Institutes of Health, aims to analyze the DNA of at least 1 million people across the United States to build a diverse health database. The key word there is 鈥渄iverse.鈥 So […]

Becerra Joins the Fray Over Reproductive Rights

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is racking up frequent-flier miles as he hopscotches the country to highlight health issues the White House hopes will become pivotal for voters this year 鈥 none more so than reproductive rights.  鈥淣o woman today should fear [not having] access to the care that she needs. President Biden […]

GOP-Led States Expand Crackdowns on Transgender Care

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

South Carolina鈥檚 legislature is poised to pass a bill prohibiting doctors from offering some health-care services to transgender minors 鈥 part of a new wave of anti-trans legislation from Republican-led states. The South Carolina bill, which passed the state House of Representatives in January and is under consideration in the Senate, would bar health-care providers […]