Latest News On Veterans’ Health

Latest 蘑菇影院 Health News Stories

The Neglected U.S. Victims of Agent Orange

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

The Department of Veterans Affairs has long given Vietnam veterans disability compensation for illness connected to Agent Orange, widely used to defoliate Southeast Asian battlefields during the U.S. war. Less well known: The powerful herbicide combination was also routinely used to kill weeds at domestic military bases. Those exposed to the chemicals at the bases are still waiting for the same […]

Will CMS Crack Down on Prior Authorization?

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

There鈥檚 the Idaho doctor whose infant daughter developed a brain tumor. A woman in Southern California who waited months for an MRI before dying in the hospital. And a North Carolina patient who has trigeminal neuralgia 鈥 a condition so painful it鈥檚 commonly called the 鈥渟uicide disease.鈥 They all have something in common, aside from […]

Lawyer Fees Draw Scrutiny as Camp Lejeune Claims Stack Up

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, which became law last year, created a pathway for veterans and their families to pursue damage claims against the government for toxic exposure at the military base. Now, advocates and lawmakers worry high lawyer fees could shortchange those injured.

KHN鈥檚 鈥榃hat the Health?鈥: Judge Takes Aim at the Affordable Care Act鈥檚 Preventive Care Benefits

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

A federal judge in Texas 鈥 the same one who tried to strike down the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional in 2018 鈥 has ruled against some of the ACA鈥檚 preventive benefits, including the requirement that employers cover medication to prevent HIV. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs tries to make abortions slightly more available to veterans and their dependents. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet, and Joanne Kenen of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Politico join KHN鈥檚 Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also this week, Rovner interviews KHN鈥檚 Lauren Sausser, who reported and wrote the latest KHN-NPR 鈥淏ill of the Month鈥 installment.

Senate GOP Puts Up Roadblocks to Bipartisan House Bill for Veterans鈥 Burn Pit Care

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

The Senate could start work this week on a bipartisan bill to make it much easier for veterans to get health care and benefits if they get sick from exposure to massive, open-air incineration pits in war zones. The legislation has gained minimal support among Senate Republicans, who say they are concerned about the cost and the ability of Veterans Affairs to handle such a large new mission.

Veterans Push for Medical Marijuana in Conservative South

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

North Carolina claims to be the 鈥淣ation鈥檚 Most Military Friendly State.鈥 Now veterans are trying to capitalize on this dedication to the troops to persuade lawmakers to pass medical marijuana legislation. It鈥檚 an advocacy model that has led to success for pro-cannabis efforts elsewhere.