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Girls in Texas Could Get Birth Control at Federal Clinics, Until a Christian Father Objected

Girls in Texas Could Get Birth Control at Federal Clinics, Until a Christian Father Objected

Downtown Amarillo, Texas, on Feb. 16. In December, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ruled that federal clinics not requiring parental consent to provide birth control to minors violates Texas state law and federal constitutional rights, effectively cutting off a vital source of health care for young women across Texas. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

AMARILLO, Texas 鈥 On the vast Texas Panhandle, raked by wind and relentless sun, women might drive for hours to reach Haven Health, a clinic in Amarillo.

One of more than nationwide, Haven serves both English and Spanish speakers, providing contraception, testing for pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and cervical cancer screening, all at low cost or without charge to patients who are anxious, impoverished, or both.

Those patients include teenage girls 鈥 under 18 鈥 seeking birth control pills or long-acting contraception.

But under a startling , a that such clinics violate Texas state law and federal constitutional rights, effectively cutting off  a vital source of health care for young women across Texas.

Women鈥檚 health advocates and health care providers alike have decried the decision by a conservative judge appointed by President Donald Trump who is at the center of other reproductive rights cases. They say it is overly broad and unprecedented. (The ruling applies to the national regulations, but for now is followed only in Texas.)

鈥淲e can’t even provide contraception for a gynecological issue,鈥 said Carolena Cogdill, CEO of Haven Health, adding that the ruling by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk has had a chilling effect on care. 鈥淲e had a young lady come in who had abnormal bleeding, and we wanted to prescribe contraception to help control that bleeding. And we couldn’t do it because she was 16.鈥 The patient had said her mother would not understand, believing that her daughter was 鈥済oing to go out and have sex and she just didn’t want to go there,鈥 Cogdill said.

Texas law has long required that teenage girls have a to get prescription contraception. But , certain clinics could provide contraception without parental consent. , Title X evolved out of the 鈥淲ar on Poverty鈥 era and passed with broad bipartisan support. The legislation was signed by then-President Richard Nixon, a Republican, to provide family-planning services to low-income people, including minors, with the goal of reducing teen pregnancy.

But in July 2022, weeks after the Supreme Court rescinded constitutional protection for abortion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women鈥檚 Health Organization, , a father of three adolescent daughters who lives in Amarillo, sued the Department of Health and Human Services. He argued that the government had violated his constitutional right to direct the upbringing of his children.

In his suit, Deanda, a Christian, said he was “raising each of [his] daughters in accordance with Christian teaching on matters of sexuality鈥 and that he could have no 鈥渁ssurance that his children will be unable to access prescription contraception鈥 that 鈥渇acilitate sexual promiscuity and premarital sex.鈥

In his opinion, Kacsmaryk agreed, writing that 鈥渢he use of contraception (just like abortion) violates traditional tenets of many faiths, including the Christian faith plaintiff practices.鈥

Moreover, Kacsmaryk, , said the existence of federal clinics operating in Texas, where state law otherwise requires parental permission for teenage girls to receive contraception, posed an 鈥渋mmediate, present-day injury.鈥

鈥淭itle X clinics are open most days and, therefore, they post an ongoing, continuous, and imminent risk,鈥 the judge wrote.

The decision, which referenced Catholic catechisms and fourth-century religious text, stunned legal experts like Elizabeth Sepper, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, who said it was part of the rising influence of conservative Christian theology in the courts.

鈥淲e’ve seen religious arguments that increasingly come into the courts dressed up as legal arguments,鈥 Sepper said. 鈥淚 think we’re seeing a movement that began with a religious exemption, saying 鈥楲et me structure my health care to suit my morals,鈥 and we’re moving toward an agenda that says, 鈥楲et me structure all of health care according to my morals.鈥欌

Neither Deanda nor his attorney, Jonathan Mitchell, the architect of Texas鈥 pre-Dobbs abortion ban, responded to requests for comment.

The effects of teenage pregnancy on the arc of a woman鈥檚 life can be profound. receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90% of young women who do not give birth as teens. Teen births can lead to poor outcomes for the next generation: Children of teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of high school and end up in jail or prison during adolescence.

Dr. Stephen Griffin, an assistant professor at Texas Tech University in Lubbock and a practicing OB-GYN, described access to birth control for young women as a 鈥渟afety issue,鈥 adding that many parents underestimate their teenagers鈥 sexual activity.

鈥淲e know that people who identify as regular church attendees are more likely to underestimate their child’s risk-taking behavior in terms of sex,鈥 Griffin said. 鈥淲e know that parents who feel they have open lines of communication with their children鈥 also underestimate the risk.

Texas has one of the in the nation and the highest rate of repeat teen pregnancy 鈥 more than 1 in 6 teenagers who gave birth in Texas in 2020 already had a child. Health experts say the court decision banning access to contraception is likely to increase those numbers, following on the heels of other restrictions on reproductive health care in the state.

鈥淎bortion is illegal in Texas. Kids aren’t getting comprehensive sexual education in schools. A vast [number] of folks in Texas are living without health insurance,鈥 said Stephanie LeBleu, acting director of Every Body Texas, which administers the state鈥檚 more than 150 Title X clinics. 鈥淪o it does make it very difficult to get sexual health services.鈥

The Biden administration appealed the Texas decision in February. In the meantime, LeBleu said, there is no safety net left here for teens.

鈥淚t robs them of their humanity,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t robs them of their future, potentially. And it robs them of their bodily autonomy, and I think young people are more than capable of making decisions about their own health care.鈥

Decades of research shows that teens are more likely to seek sexual health care if they can do so confidentially. But for Texans like Christi Covington, the belief is that the law shouldn鈥檛 make exceptions even in the hardest cases.

Covington lives in Round Rock, an Austin suburb. She was raised in a large evangelical family and is passing those teachings on to her three children. Leaving aside religious objections to birth control, she said, the family unit should be respected.

鈥淕od designed the world for there to be parents and then we have our offspring and that the parents care for those children, and that is design,鈥 she said. 鈥淎nd we do see that reflected in nature.鈥

As for birth control, she said, 鈥淚t feels like a band-aid.鈥

鈥淟et’s give them birth control, and then we don’t actually have to deal with what’s happening in our society where these teens are getting pregnant so quickly and so easily,鈥 Covington said.

She added she already is required to give permission for her children鈥檚 health care, including inoculations. 鈥淗onestly, I have to give consent all over the place for my children’s other medical care,鈥 she said. 鈥淲hy would we decide that this one area is exempt?鈥

But Rebecca Gudeman, senior director of health at the National Center for Youth Law, said 60% of teens involve their parents in such decisions.

鈥淭hey do that not because the law requires them to do that, but because that’s what they want to do,鈥 Gudeman said.

Some young people, she said, simply can鈥檛 involve their parents or guardians, including couples like Victoria and Richard Robledo, who began dating 鈥 and having sex 鈥 when they were both minors. During those early days, Victoria said, she decided to get birth control but couldn鈥檛 turn to her mother, a devout Catholic, for advice.

鈥淲e were a typical Hispanic household,鈥 Victoria recalled. 鈥淎nd so usually in households like mine, they don’t want to talk about boyfriends or sex or anything like that.鈥

But Victoria found a clinic less than a mile from her high school and was able to obtain birth control free of charge. The couple, now married and living in Clovis, New Mexico, just across the state border, has two children.

Victoria said being able to protect herself from pregnancy as a teenager changed the course of life, allowing her to go to college and her husband to join the military.

鈥淲e weren’t worried about the fact that we may have a kid,鈥 she said. 鈥淲e both were able to go out and live our own lives.鈥