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California Reopens The Single-Payer Debate

A high-profile commission created by Gov. Gavin Newsom will convene for the first time Monday to discuss how to get every Californian covered. But don't expect the state to adopt a single-payer system anytime soon. (Bryan Mullennix via Getty Images)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was a single-payer candidate.

The Democrat campaigned hard for the creation of one public insurance program for all Californians. And last year, he called on the federal government to allow California and other states to create single-payer programs.

On Monday, some of the biggest names in California health care policy are convening in Sacramento to fulfill that promise.

Or not.

Those who hope this meeting could lead to the end of private insurance and the creation of a state-based 鈥淢edicare for All鈥-type system should probably temper their expectations.

鈥淭he goal of this commission is likely to demonstrate political momentum without making any firm policy commitments,鈥 said , chair of the political science department at the University of California-San Diego.

狈别飞蝉辞尘鈥檚 , which will gather for its inaugural meeting, is made up of 13 people from universities, nonprofit organizations, hospitals and advocacy groups.

The commission will discuss how to get every Californian covered 鈥 with an emphasis on single-payer, a system in which health care is paid for by a single public authority.

But the reality is that single-payer is unlikely to materialize anytime soon, given the Trump administration鈥檚 opposition to the concept and the exorbitant cost of completely overhauling the health care system.

Perhaps most important, members of the commission don鈥檛 agree on what the commission should accomplish.

Single-payer 鈥渋s one of the key places to look, but not the only place,鈥 said California Health and Human Services Secretary . 狈别飞蝉辞尘鈥檚 office, which declined to comment on the commission, directed questions to Ghaly, who will chair the panel.

But there will be powerful voices on the commission that are firmly committed to creating a single-payer system for the state.

Stephanie Roberson, the government relations director for the California Nurses Association, won鈥檛 be on the commission herself, but her union will have a representative on the panel. The union is a loud and insistent advocate for single-payer.

鈥淭here is absolutely universal concern across this organization that this commission could be used to slow-walk single-payer,鈥 Roberson said. 鈥淢ore often than not, a bill becomes a study or a commission and no one ever hears about it again.鈥

The commission plans to issue two public reports, one in July 2020 and the other in February 2021. The first will detail the current state of health care coverage in California and the second will explain the nuts and bolts of how to get a single-payer system up and running.

For the single-payer advocates on the commission, these questions have already been asked and answered.

A 2017 special legislative committee investigated single-payer in California and on California鈥檚 uninsured population that outlined several options for covering them, such as how to implement and pay for single-payer.

Much of that work is now being repeated. The state of California awarded a $2.5 million contract to a group from the University of California to conduct research and analysis for the new commission and draft its reports. These are the same people who wrote the last report for the legislative committee.

But Deborah Kelch, executive director of the nonprofit and nonpartisan Insure the Uninsured Project, said the older findings might not reflect today鈥檚 reality.

鈥淭hose all predate our current coverage landscape, so it鈥檚 a good time for policymakers and a commission like this one to really take a look at what鈥檚 true now,鈥 she said.

No one thinks single-payer would be cheap or easy to implement, and estimates vary on how much it would cost. put the price tag for California at around $400 billion annually. focused instead on savings and concluded that savings from single-payer systems would outweigh the costs.

Whatever the commission decides to do, one huge hurdle to get single-payer up and running in the state remains: President Donald Trump.

Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, said she would to use federal dollars to implement a single-payer system.

But the hostility from the federal government doesn鈥檛 mean the commission鈥檚 work is meaningless, said , director of research for the California Budget & Policy Center. Instead, it could give the commission time to get a single-payer plan ready for a different president, he said.

鈥淚f we decide as a state that we really want to move towards a single-payer health care financing system, we will have done our homework,鈥 Graves said.

, president and CEO of the California Endowment, a foundation that focuses on expanding health care access among Californians, sees a path forward whether Trump wins or loses in November.

Ross, a member of the commission, said he鈥檚 willing to look at all options to get the remaining covered, not just single-payer. For instance, California has to people who are in the country illegally, and created to help people buy private insurance.

鈥淚鈥檓 sure there are others on the commission resolutely focused on single-payer,鈥 he said. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 fine. We should have that conversation and that debate within the boundaries of the commission鈥檚 work.鈥

Jennifer Kent, former director of the state Department of Health Care Services, said it鈥檚 vital to continue the process of debates, research and public meetings. They will bring in more people to work out the thorny details of what could be a massive overhaul of the health care system, she said.

鈥淒emocracy is messy,鈥 said Kent, who is now a health care consultant. 鈥淭he people who say we already know what the answer is 鈥 if we knew what the answer is, it would have been done already.鈥

This story was produced by聽, which publishes聽, an editorially independent service of the聽.

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