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Crushed By A Hospital Bill? Stand Up For Yourself

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

Most hospitals must offer free or reduced-cost care to certain patients, based on income, even if they have insurance. But some hospitals erect barriers to charity care, so it’s up to patients to advocate for themselves.

Good Rehab Is Hard To Find

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

Helping a loved one overcome addiction isn’t easy. Start by listening to people who have been through it. They can help find effective treatment and avoid unethical or incompetent operators.

Did Your Health Plan Deny You Care? Fight Back.

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

Most patients don’t argue when their health insurance won’t cover treatment or medication, but they should: Consumers win about half of their appeals. The process can sometimes be overwhelming, but there are ways to prepare and get help.

Keeping Kids Healthy And Sane In A Digital World

Ä¢¹½Ó°Ôº Health News Original

Children are spending more time on their devices than ever before, despite evidence that excessive screen time puts their minds and bodies at risk. Parents should set limits and stick to them — and also change their own online behavior, experts say.