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California鈥檚 Fentanyl Problem Is Getting Worse

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

State lawmakers have recently been debating whether and how to stiffen punishments for dealers, while Gov. Gavin Newsom is targeting fentanyl trafficking and distributing more naloxone. The problem, experts say, is one with no easy or clear answers.

Se agrava la crisis del fentanilo en California

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Impulsadas en gran medida por la prevalencia del fentanilo, un opioide sint茅tico hasta 100 veces m谩s potente que la morfina, las sobredosis de drogas en California matan ahora a m谩s del doble de personas que los accidentes de tr谩fico.

A Striking Gap Between Deaths of Black and White Babies Plagues the South

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Infant mortality rates across the South are by far the worst in the U.S. A look at South Carolina 鈥 where multimillion-dollar programs aimed at improving rates over the past 10 years have failed to move the needle 鈥 drives home the challenge of finding solutions, especially in rural communities.