Rae Ellen Bichell

Race Is Often Used as Medical Shorthand for How Bodies Work. Some Doctors Want to Change That.

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

Physicians have long believed it鈥檚 good medicine to consider race in health care. But recently, rather than perpetuate the myth that race governs how bodies function, a more nuanced approach has emerged: acknowledging that racial health disparities often reflect the effects of generations of systemic racism, such as lack of access to stable housing or nutritious food.

A Colorado Town Is About as Vaccinated as It Can Get. Covid Still Isn鈥檛 Over There.

蘑菇影院 Health News Original

San Juan County, Colorado, is one of the most vaccinated counties in the U.S. Leaders across the country continue to expound on the vaccine as the path forward in the pandemic. But San Juan鈥檚 experience the past few weeks with its first covid hospitalizations shows that, even with an extremely vaccinated population, masks are still necessary.